
We are reflecting back on 2023 in this solo episode and appreciating the journey we’ve been on.

The word of the year in 2023 was forge because I was determined to forge my own way with SBTL. And, you know what?! I’m keeping the same word as I move into 2024 because it has been such a game-changer in the success of my business.

The push for success was hinging on my ability to hire. Sabrina was my support person in this process and shouldered the weight of adding to our team – and she absolutely crushed it. The new team members that we added last year are phenomenal and helped build the foundation for a solid and efficient team.

I learned a lesson in growing pains as well, and I made the decision to part ways with my one-on-one client. But part of forging my own way was shifting into the CEO role of SBTL and moving away from the daily grind of one-on-one work. 

This shift not only opened the door for me to be successful in my business, but also to spend more time with my son and put quality time into our summer together. Having a team that I could rely on opened my eyes to what was possible as I forged my own way. 

Tune in to hear more about what 2023 was like for me and what I’m looking forward to in 2024. How are you going to forge your own way this year?

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