
The Covid-19 pandemic is still going strong and as such I’ve had to completely revamp my workflow and processes. I’m sharing the strategy I’m using to get a full day’s work in with 40% less time than normal.

You may or may not know this, but I have a VERY active two year old. Also, on the days my husband works, he is gone at least 16hrs at a time. Prior to the current state of events, my son was going to a Montessori style school and I was able to work in my office space downtown.

Fast-forward to now. I get maybe 2 full days in the office each week and my son is home completely. My business is still running at max capacity and I’m still getting everything done, but the way I work has seen a massive change. 

I’m sharing how I’m coping with the loss of “work” time and how I’m making sure to keep my clients top of mind in the process. Five tips you can use any time your life takes a turn and your work capacity changes!

After you listen, shoot me a DM or an email and let me know how you’re getting #allthethings done right now!

In This Episode:

[01:40] What my work life looked like before Covid.

[04:53] … and what it looks like now.

[05:28] First things first, I have to communicate more about my capacity with my clients. 

[07:19] I have restructured when and how I work. 

[12:53] Get super clear about your task list and what your true priorities are.

[15:27] Batch your work as much as you can.

[17:11] Stop being so hard on yourself! Give yourself grace. 

[19:31] – Quick recap of all my tips.

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